The area near the farm I was on.
My room. Not too bad really.
Typical meal.
Dusk is the best part of the day. Not only are you done working, the light is very nice and the temperature starts to go down.
Some of the goods. Marmalade, apple and pear juice, herbal teas.
I'll never forget the German word for wheelbarrow. Schubkarre. They have several of these piles of wood. It's sits like that for two years while the wood dries. After two years they sell it as firewood. I helped build a new one by splitting wood with an axe. Yes, I do feel like more of a man as a result.
Now for the fun stuff. Football games and friends in Berlin! Turns out, one of my friends from school–Parker Higgins–just moved to Berlin about a week before I showed up. He has been accommodating enough to let me crash at his place three weekends in a row now. When I planned on staying at a farm near Berlin the idea was so that I could visit the city, but I've just ended up hanging out with some new friends every time I've visited. Not a bad thing, just unexpected.
A couple of pics at a bar after watching a German victory.
Of course I have to try the coffee EVERYWHERE because I'm obsessed. If you don't know, I'm thinking about making a documentary about the dark liquid. So technically it's research. This is Bonanza Coffee Heroes, an Australian-run place. Pretty good stuff and they have a great name.
Parker getting painted up before a match.
And here am I all painted up as well. Since USA didn't make it very far I'm glad my adopted team fared better. Too bad España beat us, it would have been fun to watch Germany in the finals tonight. But third place isn't bad even if they got third last time. I've got to run and watch the final now actually! Leaving tomorrow for a new farm near Stuttgart. Excited. This one looks much more farm-y with vegetables, fruit, fresh bread, animals, and selling on a local market. And southern Germany is much more beautiful than the Northern Plain. Until next time!